Search results for "Preschool education"

Early childhood education teacher: Every euro used for early childhood education is an investment in the future

In her work, early childhood education teacher Maria Patteri sees the great impact that skilled teachers have on children’s growth and learning. However, the shortage of teachers is severe, and Maria believes the situation will only ease once questions related to working conditions and pay have been solved.

25.02.2022 News
The President of Finland’s greeting to all the teachers and learners

The President of Finland, Sauli Niinistö, sends his thank you to every young person, teacher and staff member of every school, ECEC centre and other educational institution in his video greeting.

05.06.2021 News
OAJ has chosen all Finnish teachers as Education Influencers of the year 2020 – exceptional circumstances have emphasised professional skills

OAJ's Executive Board has awarded the the Education Influencer of the year award to all Finnish teachers. Olli Luukkainen, the President of the OAJ, announced the recipients of the recognition at the teaching and education sector event Educa that was held online this year.

23.03.2021 News
Day care centre daytrips

Daytrips are an important part of early childhood education provided by day care centres and are governed by the Act on Early Childhood Education and Care. An early childhood education teacher supported by their team is responsible for providing safe early childhood education in compliance with the law and the National Core Curriculum for Early Childhood Education and Care.

18.02.2021 Content page
Co-operation with the home

Parents hold the primary responsibility for raising their children. In early childhood education, teachers act as the education partners of children’s parents and guardians, supporting them in the vital task of raising their child.

01.11.2018 Content page
Teaching in early childhood education and pre-school

The task of early childhood education teachers and preschool teachers is to support and promote the learning and competence development of children. This teaching work demands solid knowledge of early childhood education, development, learning and pedagogy.

01.11.2018 Content page