Search results for "Koronavirus"

Teachers' coping, recovery from COVID-19 and subsidies

In Finland, the COVID-19 epidemic has tightened its grip again during the autumn, although the proportion of people in the country who have been vaccinated twice is over 80%. The situation will be difficult for children and young people until they, too, are vaccinated.

07.12.2021 News
OAJ has chosen all Finnish teachers as Education Influencers of the year 2020 – exceptional circumstances have emphasised professional skills

OAJ's Executive Board has awarded the the Education Influencer of the year award to all Finnish teachers. Olli Luukkainen, the President of the OAJ, announced the recipients of the recognition at the teaching and education sector event Educa that was held online this year.

23.03.2021 News
Schools and educational institutions switching to distance learning – salaries will be paid as normal

Basic education, upper secondary education, adult education and higher education units are switching to distance learning in order to slow down the spreading of the coronavirus. The educational institutions will switch to remote teaching latest on 18 March in accordance with the Ministry of Education and Culture’s recommendation. OAJ stands by the Government’s policy and regards the ensuring of the teachers’ health and livelihood as extremely important during such exceptional circumstances.

17.03.2020 News
Coronavirus causing confusion at the negotiating tables

As with all other sectors of the society, the coronavirus epidemic is causing changes to the currently on-going collective agreement negotiations. The negotiations are on-going in all OAJ agreement sectors and the changing situation is monitored on a daily basis.

16.03.2020 News