Our service is down on Thursday 29 September from 3 p.m. Membership applications cannot be sent during the down time. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Lower union fee

Lower union fee brings flexibility to life situations.

When am I entitled to a lower union fee?

You are entitled to a reduced, fixed-rate union fee during unemployment, family leave or work abroad, for example.

The union fee is fixed lower at EUR 6 for months in which you do not have any salary income. The lower union fee is only valid for full calendar months.

The union fee is EUR 6 per month when you are:

on a leave of absence or working holiday without earnings (e.g. grant)

  • unemployed
  • on job alternation leave
  • on unpaid study leave
  • on family leave
  • on daily allowance paid by Kela or a pension company
  • in military or civilian service

Please report any changes to your personal situation in My Profile on the OAJ website. You will receive payment instructions by e-mail.

Instructions to update your membership details

Sick leave or temporary incapacity for work

In case of a sick leave or temporary incapacity for work, the union fee is based on a percentage during the time when the employer is paying you sick pay or incapacity pay. During the time when you receive a daily allowance paid by Kela or a pension company, you pay a fixed lower union fee of EUR 6 per month.

If the temporary incapacity for work leads to permanent incapacity for work, the requirements for membership will no longer be met.

Temporary work outside of the education sector

If you are on leave or working holiday from your teaching post or position and are temporarily carrying out work other than education work, you must pay the union fee based on the salary or wages from your other work. However, your union fee will not exceed the amount that you would pay from the salary of your teaching position.

Example: In the summer, you are on leave from your teaching position, where your basic salary would be EUR 2,800 per month. During your leave of absence, you work as a project manager and receive a salary of EUR 3,500 per month for this work. You pay a percentage union fee to OAJ based on your teacher’s salary, i.e. EUR 2,800.


Working abroad

When you work abroad, your union fee is fixed at EUR 10 per month.

Please note that working abroad can also affect your unemployment fund membership and unemployment security.

Read more on the website of the Unemployment Fund for Education and Science

Unemployment Fund for Education and Science