Our service is down on Thursday 29 September from 3 p.m. Membership applications cannot be sent during the down time. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Insurance benefits

Be safe – our members are insured with several good insurance policies.

Insurance benefits for OAJ members

As an OAJ member, you are insured for work, travel and accidents. In addition, as a union member, you will receive other insurance benefits and discounts.

 The insurances are included in OAJ’s union fee. You can find your insurance number on your membership card in the OAJ application. The membership card also serves as your travel insurance card.

 OAJ has insured its members with the mutual insurance company Turva. You can find detailed information about the insurance policies on Turva's OAJ member page.

You can also make use of the Turva insurance on your mobile device. Download the TaskuTurva application to take the insurance and travel insurance card with you wherever you go.

Learn more about the insurance policies on Turva’s website

Go to Turva website

Read more and download the TaskuTurva app

Read more about TaskuTurva

Insurance cover during leisure travel, at work, in association tasks and against accidents

As a member, you are covered by the following Turva insurance policies:

  • Professional liability insurance and legal expenses insurance
  • Group insurance for organisations
  • Travel insurances
  • Leisure time accident insurance

In addition, you can get the Kaleva or Turva life insurance for an affordable member price.


Read more about life insurance and other voluntary insurances 

Go to Turva website

I am working abroad – how does this affect my insurance?

The leisure travel and accident insurance taken out by OAJ for its members includes members who:

  •  Have a permanent residence and address in Finland
  • Have a Kela card as proof of affiliation to social security in Finland
  • Reside in Finland for more than half of the year

If the aforementioned criteria are met, the member’s leisure travel insurance is valid in Finland for leisure trips made by the member of more than 50 kilometres from their home or from their Finnish residence, leisure home or other similar place that is part of the person's normal living environment.

The travel insurance is also valid for leisure trips made by the member from Finland to other countries. The accident insurance is valid throughout the world during leisure time.

If the member resides permanently abroad, they cannot be covered by the membership insurance. In case of a temporary stay and/or an individual stay of more than six months, it is a good idea to contact Turva before travelling abroad and check the validity of the insurance cover. An individual longer stay abroad does not necessarily render the member uninsured.

More information about insurance can be obtained by calling Turva’s service number +358 (0)10 195 110 or from Turva’s offices. The product description and the terms and conditions of the travel and accident insurance taken out by OAJ for its members can be found on the website tailored for members.

Insurances for senior teachers

When you retire, the following insurance policies based on your OAJ membership will cease:

  • Professional liability and legal expenses insurance
  • Union insurance (leisure travel, accident and baggage insurance)

If you change from OAJ to an OSJ membership, you will receive a discount on the insurance contributions, but you must take out the insurance yourself. The insurance partners for OSJ are Turva and If. More information on insurance can be found on the OSJ website.

Become a senior member!