Other voluntary insurances

Turva insurances

If you have a home insurance policy with Turva, along with at least one personal, comprehensive car, pet, or boat insurance policy, you are eligible for an additional 10% owner discount.

If you have only one insurance policy, you will receive the owner discount after two years of being a customer.

These discounts do not apply to compulsory motor liability insurance.

In addition, Turva offers customized insurance products for union members, such as comprehensive Liittokasko and life insurance products Henkikulta and Parikulta.

More information about benefits can be found on Turva's website

Turvassa Life Insurance

For example, a mortgage and other expenses don’t have to become a burden solely on your spouse. With life insurance, you can help them continue their life in familiar surroundings.

Turvassa Life Insurance is a new, cost-effective life insurance specifically designed for OAJ members: only 5,92 euros per month (price example in 2021: 30-year-old OAJ member, coverage amount 100 000). Turvassa Life Insurance is provided by LähiTapiola Mutual Life Insurance Company.

Please note that any previous life insurance you had with Turva will not automatically update to the new Turvassa Life Insurance. If needed, please contact Turva’s customer service.

Read more and take out insurance on Turva's website

Kaleva Life Insurance and Survivor’s Coverage

OAJ offers its members an affordable life and accident insurance policy, which allows you to insure your entire family with up to a 65 per cent discount through the organization.

As a member, you can also get the affordable Lapsen Primus accident insurance for around 3 euros per month. The insurance coverage is provided by Kaleva Mutual Insurance Company.

Survivor’s Coverage is a free additional benefit available exclusively to union members and their family members under the Primus life and accident insurance.

If the worst happens, the 2 000 euros Survivor’s Coverage is paid to the deceased's estate or beneficiary. The purpose of the Survivor’s Coverage is to provide financial support for immediate death-related expenses, such as funeral and estate administration costs.

Explore the insurance options and take advantage of your membership benefits on Kaleva’s website

Kaleva Life Insurance Calculator