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Unemployment Fund for Education and Science

We have insured our members through the Unemployment Fund for Education and Science, which provides you with security in case of unemployment. The unemployment fund membership fee is included in OAJ's union fee.

The Unemployment Fund for Education and Science serves OAJ members in matters related to unemployment security and job alternation compensation, among others. It is therefore advisable to contact the unemployment fund directly with any related questions.

If you are a member of OAJ and become unemployed, you should apply for earnings-related daily allowance from the Unemployment Fund for Education and Science.

Read more on the Unemployment Fund for Education and Science's website

Working time regulations in the education sector affect the condition of employment

All benefits paid by unemployment funds are based on the law. This means that your field of work does not affect your right to receive benefits paid by the unemployment fund.

However, the exceptional regulations on working hours in the education sector have been taken into account in the Unemployment Security Act in such a way that the condition of previous employment is regulated separately for the education sector in the Act.

How is the condition of employment calculated?

The condition of  employment is only accrued for the months in which the salary income is at least 465 euros per month.

Bear in mind:

  • Keep your certificates of employment and payslips for all your employment relationships during your unemployment fund membership. You will need them when applying for unemployment allowance.
  • A condition for accumulating the condition of previous employment is uninterrupted union fee payments for the entire membership period.

The accumulation of the condition of previous employment will change in autumn 2024

Following the legislative amendment that enters into force in September 2024, the condition of previous employment entitling to earnings-related daily allowance will be extended from half a year to one year. This means that the right to earnings-related daily allowance requires at least one year of working.

Special information about the education sector

All benefits paid by unemployment funds are based on law. For example, unemployment allowance is paid in accordance with the Finnish Unemployment Security Act. Your field of employment thus does not affect your right to receive benefits from an unemployment fund.

The exceptional working-hour regulations in the field of education have, however, been taken into account in the Unemployment Security Act such that the law contains separate provisions on the work-requirement condition for the education sector.