News and press releases
Collective bargaining 21.03.2025Agreement on 2025 salary increases for universities of applied sciencesOAJ, YTN (Federation of Professional and Managerial Staff) and Sivistysala (Federation of Education Employers FEE) have approved the salary increases to be paid at universities of applied sciences for 2025. The parties have agreed on a general increase of 1.9 percent and a local share of 0.4 percent. The increases follow the general line of salary increases established at the beginning of the year.
Collective bargaining 18.03.2025Salary revision negotiations result achieved at universities of applied sciences
Collective bargaining 04.02.2025Negotiations on the university collective agreement begin
Varhaiskasvatus 30.01.2025Valuable expert work for the benefit of the little ones – “I am dealing with big issues in my work”
Perusopetus 30.01.2025Class teacher encounters major changes in his career – “There is no longer a united culture”