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An urgent humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza is essential

Education International condemns both the Hamas attack on civilians in Israel and the Israeli military attack on the civilian population in the Gaza Strip. The situation in Gaza is untenable and we strongly condemn all violence against civilians.


In its statement on 7 November 2023, the international umbrella organization of teachers' organizations, Education International (EI), calls on the international community to urgently implement a humanitarian ceasefire to stop the killing of students, teachers and all civilians in Gaza.

EI also calls for an end to Israeli bombings and military operations that have caused the deaths of thousands of civilians. According to reports from EI members, the figure includes the deaths of over 130 teachers.

Education International condemns both the Hamas attack on civilians in Israel and the Israeli military attack on the civilian population in the Gaza Strip.

It is easy to agree with these demands put forward by Education International and numerous other organizations and entities. The situation in Gaza is untenable and we strongly condemn all violence against civilians.

According to a report by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), more than 10,000 people, including more than 4,000 children, have been killed in the past month. In addition, approximately 2,260 people have been reported missing in Gaza, and at least 42 percent of all homes in the Gaza Strip have been either destroyed or damaged. The bombings have also destroyed 219 educational institutions and 9 universities.

Especially the situation of more than a million children in the area is inhumane. According to the UNICEF Convention on the Rights of the Child, children have the right to life and safety. Children also have the right to quality education. High-quality education that supports the growth of each child, on the other hand, builds a globally sustainable future. Currently, these rights are not realized in Gaza, and time is running out for the children of the region.

For our part, we want to encourage the parties and the entire international community to work for a just and sustainable solution.

Read the statement of Education International (EI)

Jenni Arnkil
Organisation Manager

Katja Järvinen
Special Advisor

Jenni Arnkil and Katja Järvinen are responsible for development cooperation and other solidarity work at the OAJ. In their blogs, they look at the world from the perspective of education and solidarity. Read more oaj.fi/we-do-good
