ISTP 2019 brings Ministers of Education and teacher union leaders to Finland

28.05.2018 - 13:45 News

The Ministers of Education and teacher union leaders from the high-performing education countries meet in Finland next spring.

Finland has been chosen to organise, spring 2019, the next International Summit of the Teaching Profession, which brings together Ministers of Education and leaders of teachers’ unions, outstanding teachers and other education experts and teacher leaders.

The International Summit on the Teaching Profession (ISTP) is arranged once a year together by OECD, Education International and the host country.

Invitations to the ISTP are extended to representatives from world’s twenty countries which have the best improving education systems and teaching personnel development. In addition, representatives from five other countries which have succeeded in improving their education outstandingly during the past year, will be invited.

– This is a great honour for Finland. Finland’s reputation as the pioneer country of education is strong and Finnish teachers, teacher education and training and the high esteem of the profession are especially famous. We have now the opportunity to demonstrate Finnish education skills in practice and concurrently learn what is done elsewhere and what we can learn ourselves, says the Minister of Education Ms. Sanni Grahn-Laasonen. She led the Finnish delegation also this spring at the ISTP meeting held in Lisbon.

The meeting has become a special high-profile dialogue forum for education decision-makers and teacher union leaders, providing an opportunity to discuss the best education practices amongst the best performing countries.

In addition, it gives an opportunity for an exchange of experiences regarding the success recipes and development challenges in different countries. Each year by the end of the summit the ministers and teacher union leaders agree on a common commitment for development priorities for the next year.

The president of OAJ (Trade Union of Education in Finland), Mr. Olli Luukkainen has participated annually the ISTP and is delighted about Finland hosting the meeting next year.

– It is magnificent, that the summit of top countries in education has been decided to arrange in Finland. This is a sign of the high international appreciation for the Finnish quality of education and education system. Also, our high-profile activity during the past ISTP conferences has been noted in this decision.

OECD’s Director of Education and Skills Mr. Andreas Schleicher described Finland as a natural choice for hosting the next ISTP.

– As the global education pioneer country, Finland leads continually the way for building a culture of trust between schools, teachers, learners as well as different stakeholders. Concurrently the Finnish model substantiates that it is possible to ensure quality learning without making compromises regarding education equality. Above all Finland’s example where the teachers’ work is highly valued, will encourage teachers and decision-makers from other countries.

More information about the ISTP can be found on OECD's website.