Agreement on 2025 salary increases for universities of applied sciences

OAJ, YTN (Federation of Professional and Managerial Staff) and Sivistysala (Federation of Education Employers FEE) have approved the salary increases to be paid at universities of applied sciences for 2025. The parties have agreed on a general increase of 1.9 percent and a local share of 0.4 percent. The increases follow the general line of salary increases established at the beginning of the year.

 The salary increase negotiations began in January 2025. Based on the results of the negotiations, the salaries will be increased by a general increase of 1.9 percent and a local share of 0.4 percent. These increases will be paid on 1 September 2025.

– The export model for salary increases, or the so-called general line, was formed during the negotiations, and the salary solution for universities of applied sciences that has now been approved is at the same level as the general line, says Pasi Repo, the Chief of Negotiations responsible for the agreement at OAJ.

The universities of applied sciences have also the possibility to agree locally on the payment date of the increases and on the ratio of the general increase and the local amount. However, the total amount of the increase agreed (2.3 percent) may not be less.  The written local agreement regarding the increases must be made by 15 May 2025.

The local share is distributed based on the complexity of the task and personal performance. The employer must negotiate the use of the local share with the shop stewards prior making a decision.

The current collective agreement of universities of applied sciences entered into force on 1 April 2024. At that time, the salary increases for 2024 were agreed at 3.1 percent. At the same time, it was agreed that the salary increases for year 2025 would be negotiated separately.

The collective agreement for universities of applied sciences is valid until 31 March 2026.