Our service is down on Thursday 29 September from 3 p.m. Membership applications cannot be sent during the down time. We apologize for the inconvenience.

National associations

Our members unionise in national districts and associations based on the level or field of education or educational institution they represent. National districts and associations compile their members’ advocacy and organisational policy goals and create motions, proposals and organise training.

Early Childhood Education Teachers Union in Finland

Early Childhood Education Teachers Union in Finland (VOL) is an early childhood education expert organisation, which advocates for early childhood education teachers and promotes the recognition of early childhood education and children’s rights.

Early Childhood Education Teachers Union in Finland (VOL)

OAJ General Education Teachers (OAJ-YSI)

The OAJ General Education Teachers (OAJ-YSI) group includes basic education and upper secondary school teachers and some general adult education teachers.

Organisation of Swedish-speaking Teachers in Finland FSL

The Organisation of Swedish-speaking Teachers in Finland FSL is a national district which includes Swedish-speaking general education teachers and principals.

Finlands Svenska Lärarförbund FSL

OAJ Vocational Educators and Trainers (OAO)

OAJ Vocational Educators and Trainers (OAO) brings together vocational teachers from different fields.

It consists of the following national associations: the Association of Adult Education Teachers (AKOL), Vocational Educators and Trainers AO, the association of education supervisors and experts (KEA), the association for teachers of the deaf and blind (KSOLLI), SKO - Teachers in Higher and Upper Secondary Education in Finland, the Finnish Union of Music Teachers (SMOL) and the union for teachers in technical institutions (TOOL).

Union for University Teachers and Researchers (YLL)

The Union for University Teachers and Researchers (YLL) advocates on behalf of teachers, researchers and education administrators working at universities.

Union for University Teachers and Researchers (YLL)

Association for Experts in the Education Sector (Opsia)

The association for experts in the education sector (Opsia) is a national advocacy group for leading and independent experts in the education sector and early childhood education.

Association for Experts in the Education Sector (Opsia)

Teacher Student Union of Finland (SOOL)

The Teacher Student Union of Finland (SOOL) is a national advocacy and co-operation organisation for all student teachers.

Teacher Student Union of Finland (SOOL)

Retired Teachers in Finland (OSJ)

Retired Teachers in Finland (OSJ) is a national advocacy group for retired education sector professionals.

Retired Teachers in Finland (OSJ)