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Regional associations

Our regional operations are based on the joint activities of all our regional associations’ member groups.

17 regional associations

The regional associations are mainly grouped by region, and they are responsible for regional advocacy and create prominent educational policy.

The regional associations influence decision-making in their region, as well as regional and sub-regional projects, based on OAJ’s policies. They also communicate with various stakeholders.

Regional associations support local associations and promote co-operation between different teacher groups. The associations train local activist members and organise joint events.

Regional association representatives

The boards of regional associations are elected in the annual meetings. The representatives authorised by the regional associations’ member associations use their decision-making authority in the annual meetings.

The boards of the regional associations can elect various committees, working groups or divisions, which prepare matters for decision-making.

The regional associations have a regional ombudsman (selected by OAJ’s Executive Board) who is the regional collective bargaining advocate, education policy influencer and OAJ’s regional representative.

The ombudsman represents all of the members of his/her regional association. Some regions also have their own offices, with an office secretary who serves the region’s associations and members.

Learn about your regional association (web pages in Finnish)