OAJ's strategy 2025–2028

Our strategy defines our mission, outlook and vision. All of our operations are guided by the values defined by OAJ’s Council.

Our core mission is advocacy and member service

  • We advocate for our members in working life and are their common voice
  • We offer high quality service and excellent benefits – our goal is a satisfied member.

This is how we fulfil our core mission

  • By negotiating on salaries, working hours and other terms of employment
  • As the voice of our members, by influencing political decisions regarding their work
  • By promoting the well-being and employment of our members
  • By helping with questions and challenges of working life. From us, the member receives advice and legal protection related to terms of employment, as well as support of the local shop steward and association
  • By offering attractive benefits and versatile ways to participate in our activities
  • By communicating about our work and its results.

Values guiding our work

We develop education 

  • Together we build the future of competence and education. The future of both individuals and educated Finland is built on high-quality education, training, and research.

We influence bravely

  • Even in difficult situations we stand persistently by our members. We make new joint openings open-mindedly and stand behind them. As influencers, the more there are of us, the stronger we are.

We innovate together

  • Our community is diverse. We act with appreciation and respect for others. When we innovate and renew, we do it democratically and in accordance with common policies.

We act equitably

  • We act responsibly and promote justice in our members’ everyday lives, within the organization and as part of the Finnish and global society.

Driving forces to which OAJ must respond

  • We anticipate, influence, and innovate with the member’s interest first.

Changes in population impact on many different levels

Shrinking age groups, regional and socio-economic differentiation, decline in learning outcomes, cultural diversity, growing need for learner support and mental health challenges affect e.g. the job requirements and employment of our members.

The challenges of public economy and short-sighted decision-making threaten the status and prestige of our field

The deterioration of public economy endangers the employment and high-quality working conditions of our members. Short-sighted political decision-making and development of activities burdens and prevents the solving of problems.

Expectations and demands on our membership are growing, and resources are not keeping up with the demands of the work. These decrease the attractiveness of the professions in the field.

The extensive working life changing trends also affect OAJ members

OAJ must create security for its members in working life, which is affected by irregularity and uncertainty of employment relationships, diversity of career paths, skills shortage, constant need for updating skills, and the effects of digitalization and artificial intelligence on work, employment, and skill requirements. 

The status of trade unions and joining membership are no longer self-evident

Being a member of a trade union is not evident to everyone, and expectations towards the organization are growing. The position of trade unions is challenged more strongly politically and in the social debate. OAJ must also find new ways to create a feeling to members that membership is worthwhile.

We must succeed in these:

  • Strengthen our position as a negotiator
  • Improve the resources and quality of education, training, and research
  • Increase the attractiveness of membership

Our vision for the future

  • OAJ is a strong and influential community whose membership is worthwhile
  • Together we make Finland a better place to teach, learn and research