Search results for "Opettajan työ"

Early childhood education teacher: It is a big thing to teach small children

It is important for Aleksi Vehmassalo, an early childhood education teacher, to offer children a safe childhood and growth environment. His work is guided by equality, children’s joy, and the relevance of work. He has a clear solution for the shortage of teachers in the sector.

23.03.2021 News
Study by Taloustutkimus: People value teachers – tokens of appreciation are needed from the decision-makers

Finns consider teachers to be one of the most important occupational groups for the country's future. Almost everyone appreciates the work done by teachers very much. The information is based on a study by Taloustutkimus market research company commissioned by OAJ. OAJ's Chairman Olli Luukkainen is happy with the results but reminds that appreciation must also be shown by deeds.

23.03.2021 Press release
OAJ has chosen all Finnish teachers as Education Influencers of the year 2020 – exceptional circumstances have emphasised professional skills

OAJ's Executive Board has awarded the the Education Influencer of the year award to all Finnish teachers. Olli Luukkainen, the President of the OAJ, announced the recipients of the recognition at the teaching and education sector event Educa that was held online this year.

23.03.2021 News