Search results for "Education system"

Schools and educational institutions switching to distance learning – salaries will be paid as normal

Basic education, upper secondary education, adult education and higher education units are switching to distance learning in order to slow down the spreading of the coronavirus. The educational institutions will switch to remote teaching latest on 18 March in accordance with the Ministry of Education and Culture’s recommendation. OAJ stands by the Government’s policy and regards the ensuring of the teachers’ health and livelihood as extremely important during such exceptional circumstances.

17.03.2020 News
Highlights of the Finnish education policy in autumn 2019 – current events in a nutshell

This autumn is big for the education policy. After the Finnish parliamentary elections, the cuts to education funding are finally over. Here is a brief summary of the current events in the Finnish education policy.

26.11.2019 News
We need a shared vision of a better future and a long-term plan for funding education

I hope this ISTP has helped us all to understand, that the top countries in education have not attained their status by chance, but by investing in education and the teaching profession.

15.03.2019 Blog
Ministers of Education and teaching organisation leaders from countries with top education systems attending summit in Finland

Suomi järjestää ensimmäisenä Pohjoismaana kansainvälisen opetusministereiden ja opettajajärjestöjen huippukokouksen 14.–15.3.2019. Kokoukseen on kutsuttu PISA-testeissä parhaiten menestyneet ja omaa osaamistasoaan vahvasti nostaneet maat.

13.03.2019 News
Europe is united by education, equality and democracy

Education falls under the mandate of national government. This should remain so also in the future. The EU is nevertheless an important influencer of education policy, as it sets common goals and objectives for member states and influences the development of education systems.

02.03.2019 Blog
What is hot this autumn in the Finnish education policy? Read an overview!

OAJ is an active influencer of education policy. Heljä Misukka, OAJ’s Director of Educational Policy, is currently attending The ETUCE Special Conference in Athens, Greece. Read up on the current issues of education policy in Finland.

26.11.2018 News