Teacher’s values and ethical principles

The core of teaching consists of four basic values: dignity, truthfulness, fairness and responsibility & freedom.

All teaching is founded on ethics – whether it be the teacher-student relationship, pluralism or a teacher’s relationship with their work.

Dignity means respect for humanity. Teachers must respect every person, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, gender diversity, appearance, age, religion, social standing, origin, opinions, abilities and achievements.

Truthfulness is one of the core values in teachers’ basic task, which involves steering learners in navigating life and their environment. Honesty with oneself and others and mutual respect in all communication is a basic aspect of teachers’ work.

Fairness is important both when encountering individual learners and groups but also in the work community. Fairness involves in particular promoting equality and non-discrimination and avoiding favouritism.

Teachers are entitled to their own values, but in their work, teachers’ responsibility is tied to their basic task and its standards such as legislation and the curriculum.

Teacher’s ethical principles

The aim of teachers’ ethical principles is to draw attention to the ethics involved in teaching. Good professional ethics are among a teacher’s most important resources.

Teachers commit to the standards and ethics of their work. Teachers manage their duties responsibly. Teachers develop their work and expertise and assess their own actions.

Teachers teach in a manner that reflects their personality, so developing and caring for their individuality is their right and obligation.

Teachers are entitled to be treated fairly in their work.

Teachers accept and treat learners as unique human beings. Teachers respect the rights of learners and react to them humanely and fairly.

Teachers try to understand the learners’ starting point, thoughts and opinions. Teachers considerately handle matters linked to the learner’s personality and privacy. Teachers pay special attention to learners who require care and protection and do not, under any circumstances, tolerate bullying or the abuse of other people.

Teachers’ work also includes teaching learners to co-operate and to become good members of society. Building up confidence and good relationships is part of teachers’ work.

Teachers value their work and respect their colleagues. Teachers try to pool their resources and find a balance between their autonomy and the work community.

Accepting the individuality of colleagues, understanding them and helping and supporting each other are key principles of the work community.

Teaching is one of the most important jobs in society. Teachers’ ability to be effective in their work and take care of their professional development are dependent not only on their commitment, but also on the resources allocated to teaching and education. Teachers promote the opportunities offered by education and growth.

Teachers represent, above all, learners’ rights and interests – even critically, if necessary. In their work, they also teach learners to become responsible members of a democratic society.

Teachers work together with learners’ parents, guardians and other parties responsible for education, training and well-being. These include social and health care expert groups, authorities and numerous other collaborating parties.

The co-operation supports learners’ learning and development.

Teachers need to ensure that all learners have the same rights and obligations as members of society.
They make sure that learners and their parents’ cultures and world views are respected equally and that no one is discriminated against based on them.