Frequently asked questions regarding the strike

We have compiled here some questions and answers regarding the strike. The page will be updated during the agreement negotiation process.

If you have any questions concerning the strike, you can contact OAJ via e-mail: . We will be reading the messages sent to this e-mail address daily until we conclude the agreements.

New questions and answers have been added to the page on 1 March 2022.


Read more about OAJ members’ collective agreements for state civil servants and employees

  • Do you have questions about agreements? More information about the agreement contents is available in Työelämäopas in Finnish and in Pay and conditions in English. You can also contact the shop steward of your workplace.
  • On the Agreement negotiations 2022 page, you can find the latest news on the agreement negotiations in Finnish.
  • OAJ members are covered by nine collective agreements for state civil servants and employees. The agreements are available in Työelämäopas.



OAJ negotiates

  • Find information on the negotiations:
    The Opettaja -magazine
    OAJ on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
  • You can participate in the conversation on social media by using the hashtag #oajneuvottelee.
  • Check your contact info under your member information. How? Read here.
  • Information pack on negotiations on OAJ negotiates -page.
  • If you feel you are unable to find information you need, please contact OAJ through your preferred channel. Contact information.

Do you want to join OAJ? You are most welcome! Here you'll find out how it is done.