
A Council elected by our members holds the highest decision-making authority in the union.

The voting districts elect 150 members and 150 deputy members to OAJ’s Council. The seats are divided up between the national voting districts in proportion to the number of members in each district. In addition, three representatives of the student association and one representative from the retired teachers’ association are entitled to attend and speak at the Council meetings.

The Council elects a president and vice presidents for a two-year term of office.

The Council’s term of office is four years.

OAJ Council 2022–2026

The OAJ-YSI district has 96 seats on the Council, OAJ Vocational Educators and Trainers has 28 seats, the Early Childhood Education Teachers Union in Finland has 23 seats and the Union for University Teachers and Researchers has 3 seats.

OAJ Council presidency 2022–2026

Timo Saavalainen, Council President
Ulla Kangasniemi, first vice-president, OAJ Council
Stig Rönnqvist, second vice-president, OAJ Council


OAJ Council members by district