Executive Board

OAJ’s Council elects the union’s Executive Board for two years at a time.

The Executive Board members represent the different groups of OAJ members to ensure that everyone is heard. The Executive Board consists of the union’s president and 20 members. Each member has a personal deputy member.

The Executive Board also elects three vice presidents from among its members. The Council’s president and vice presidents are entitled to attend and speak at Executive Board meetings.

The Executive Board’s president and vice presidents prepare matters for the board to discuss and use their independent decision-making powers in certain instances. The president heads OAJ’s operations together with the Executive Board.

OAJ Executive Board 2022–2024

President of the Executive Board

OAJ President Katarina Murto

Member / deputy member

Lauri Hietalahti / Maarit Rahkola
Anna Hoffren / Anna Ruotsala
Tapio Lindfors  /Johanna Toivanen
Tuija Mäntsälä  /Tuovi Pasma

Anitta Pakanen / Hanna Iso-Kuortti
Asko Parkkinen / Minna Paavola
Tanja Rantala  /Salla Sutinen

Santeri Palviainen / Marjaana Myötyri

Alaja Jaana / Petra Siltainsuu
Contursi Kirsi / Tuomo Suihkonen
Kattelus Katariina / Marika Pylkkänen
Koivisto Tuomas / Anne Suomi
Latomäki Pia / Paula Kotirinta
Lindqvist Sebastian / Pamela Leka
Oksa Erja / Jussi Anttila
Pieskä Pekka / Riitta Rautio
Pohjamo Anu / Antti Alanen
Renfors Anna / Katja Poikolainen
Anu Viikki / Tiina Pesonen
Vuori Kirsi / Pekka Sutinen

Emppu Laakkonen / Mira Laurinantti

Council presidents who participate in Executive Board work

Timo Saavalainen, Council President
Ulla Kangasniemi, I vice-president, OAJ Council
Stig Rönnqvist, II vice-president, OAJ Council

In addition, the president of the Organisation of Swedish-speaking Teachers in Finland FSL and the president of the Teacher Student Union of Finland (SOOL) are entitled to attend and speak at OAJ board meetings.

OAJ presidents

President Katarina Murto
I vice-president Katariina Kattelus
II vice-president Lauri Hietalahti
III vice-president Anitta Pakanen

Preparation of OAJ decisions

The management of OAJ’s organisation is based on the participation and influence of its members. Members elect the Council through elections, the Council elects the union’s president and Executive Board and the board establishes various committees and working groups.

The term of office for committees and working groups is 2022–2024, unless otherwise mentioned.