Formation of negotiation objectives

The negotiation objectives for collective agreements are usually in preparation for a long time, and all members have the opportunity to influence their formation. Often, it is necessary to negotiate the objectives with the employer through many different agreement rounds, and it is still not certain whether they will be met.

The definition of the negotiation objectives for the collective agreements starts well in advance of the start of the negotiations. In preparing OAJ’s contractual targets, it is also important to hear the members of the organisation who can influence the formation of the targets. Members can have their voices heard by responding to member surveys, participating in member evenings or making their proposals to the local association.     

Local associations submit their own objectives to national associations and districts, which take them to the OAJ Income and Payroll Policy Committee for processing. Preparation of negotiation objectives is one of the most important tasks of the committee and is carried out over several months.     

At the end, the actual negotiation objectives are formulated on the basis of the wishes and ideas of the various parties. The negotiation objectives must be realistic in order to be achieved. Many of the objectives may recur over several years from one negotiation to the next. Some of the objectives may progress gradually and eventually be fully passed.      

Negotiation objectives are also discussed in national associations and districts as well as in council groups. OAJ’s Council does not formulate individual negotiation objectives; its task is to decide on the organisation’s broader policies.     

The final objectives are decided by OAJ’s Executive Board. A negotiation strategy is drawn up on the basis of the objectives. Only the main objectives can be communicated to the public, but there are also more detailed objectives. For reasons that have to do with negotiation tactics, not all of the objectives can be communicated publicly.