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Sivista Universities and teacher training schools

Sivista’s private education sector agreement includes teachers in private sector basic and general education, vocational education institutes, universities of applied sciences, basic art education, liberal adult education and sports colleges.

There is a total of approximately 2,200 OAJ members covered by the university agreement. Of these, nearly 1,500 work as university teachers and researchers and more than 700 teachers work at training schools.

Juko is negotiating the contract with Sivistysala ry (Sivista). The working conditions of the teaching staff of training schools are negotiated by OAJ.

OAJ's negotiator is Hanna Tanskanen.

The contract period is 1 April 2023–31 March 2025.

Current affairs in the contract sector 2024

  • University salaries will receive a general increase of 2.0% on March 1, 2024
  • The local instalment on 1 December 2024 is 0.5%