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The personnel of the universities of applied sciences belong to the Sivista agreement

A new collective agreement for the staff of universities of applied sciences was agreed upon in the spring of 2024.

22 vocational schools operate under the administration of the Ministry of Education and Culture, of which 21 are members of Sivista (Finnish Education Employers FEE). 

The terms and conditions of the employment relationship are stipulated in the collective agreement for the private teaching sector of the educational institutions, which is specified in appendix 14 of the universities of applied sciences.

The current collective agreement is valid until 31 March 2026. The contract can be terminated by 30 April 2025, if the parties cannot agree on the salary increases for the second year. 

Almost 4,000 OAJ members.

Negotiators Petri Lindroos and Pasi Repo.

Negotiations 2024

The new collective agreement was negotiated during the winter and spring 2024. The current collective agreement is valid until 31 March 2026. The contract can be terminated by 30 April 2025, if the parties cannot agree on the salary increases for the second year. The parties will negotiate on the increases next winter.

The universities of applied sciences continue to have two personnel groups: the teaching personnel and the expert and support personnel. The teaching staff’s salary and working time regulations remain practically the same.

The texts were modified during the negotiations so that they would better correspond to the current practices and concepts.